Our Beliefs

Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.

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My Whole Life

I was born to reflect the image of a God who is powerful enough to create my universe, attentive enough to hear my prayers and loving enough to be defined by self-sacrifice. I find my greatest fulfillment on a journey toward purpose and wholeness.


Unity should be a distinguishing mark of Christians. It's in the Bible, Philippians 2:1-2, NIV. "If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose."

Jesus prayed that His people would be unified. It's in the Bible, John 17:11, NIV. "I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to You Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your name—the name You gave Me—so that they may be one as We are one."